Your pregnancy skincare to-do list

Your pregnancy skincare to-do list

pregnancy skincare


You got those two pink lines on your wee stick. Whether this is a surprise or a very planned and long waited moment, your heart is racing and your legs are going weak. Congratulations! You are going to be a mum!

And now what?!  From now on (really!) look after yourself.

But wait a minute… do I have to change my skincare routine?

Do I need to stop using my loved retinol???

In a nutshell, the answer is “Yes”. There are a few things you need to STOP and others you need to PAY MORE ATTENTION to.

This topic is close to my heart (I’ll say no more…hint hint 😊), but let’s keep it simple, mummy to-be.


What skincare should I avoid during pregnancy? 

#1 – Retinoids

Check your skincare stash – stop any retinol, retinal or Accutane tablets. I feel your pain. I am also retinoid obsessed and thought I wouldn’t be able to survive without it.  Retinoids are vitamin A which can cause malformation in your baby and there is a chance a small amount can be absorbed through the placenta.

Alternative: Use anti-ageing serums rich in peptides and antioxidants.


#2 Hydroquinone

The heavy-duty anti-hyperpigmentation star. In the UK you are unable to get this OTC but if this is something you got hold of as you are struggling with melasma or chloasma (the dark marks you get in your face or body as a result of pregnancy hormones) you must stop it.

Alternative: Opt for azelaic acid. I have been using 20% of AA for a long while but if you are a newbie then remember to start low and go slow. It also helps with acne, if this is another present that the lovely pregnancy hormones have brought to you. The gift that keeps on giving, hein?!


#3 Chemical sunscreens

This is a controversial one, but some studies show that they could potentially affect your pregnancy hormones. Like I always say, in case of doubt don’t risk it.

Alternative: Find a mineral SPF that you enjoy and that you WILL use!


#4 High dose of salicylic acid (BHA).

No panic! You can still use your OTC BHA if suddenly acne has become an issue. You feel like a teenager again and you check those big white horrid volcanoes in your chin and nose. Now it’s not the time to have that face peeling you were dying to do. Avoid cosmetic peelings as the level of BHA might be greater than what you find OTC.

Alternative: According to your tolerance get a 1% or 2% BHA and apply it daily, or every other day or once weekly to keep things at bay.


#5 Stretch marks miracle workers

This is one that is not something you are probably already using but thought it would relevant to mention here. Don’t go splurge on a moisturiser that prevents, or even treats, stretch marks. There is simply no scientific research showing that those work.

Alternatives: Be sure to drink plenty of water and apply a moisturiser daily, especially on the areas you are feeling itchy (as my skin stretches my belly and boobs feel every so itchy). Please be aware if you have itchiness all over your body contact your midwife straight away as this could be a medical condition.


skincare products to avoid during pregnancy

Let’s sum it up!

This is a time for you to pamper yourself and make sure you and your bubba are safe.

Worried about wrinkles? Carry on with good antioxidants and peptides serum.

Worried about hyperpigmentation? Use azelaic acid and glycolic acid to get rid of and prevent those dark marks.

Worried about acne? Your BHA that you have been using OTC is just fine. Also, AA is good for anti-acne maintenance care.

Worried about stretch marks? Save your mons on the 1001 miracle products as there is little scientific evidence they actually work. Instead drink, drink, drink (water, I mean!) and apply moisturiser every single day!

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