
skincare about me page

You have a busy lifestyle. I get it. You are juggling between studying, working, being a mum and a wife, and keeping up with the many events you scribbled in your calendar.

You don’t have time (or the patience) to abide by the information overload about skincare.

You are sceptical about marketing promises of unicorn tears serum that will make you look five years younger.


skincare about page

about me page picture

How did it all start?

Like many of you, my skincare journey started in my teens, when the dreaded hormonal acne flare-ups affected how my skin looked and my self-esteem.

Many moons later, with over 10 years of experience in healthcare, a nursing post-grad (who would think those boring biochemistry lessons were going to become helpful?!), experience in working in cosmetic surgery (believe me when I say prevention is better than treatment!), and a true passion for skincare leads me to where I am now.

Helping my close skincare community find the right goodies so they can achieve their skin goals has been ever so rewarding. But what about sharing that knowledge with everybody? 

If I make a positive change in someone’s life, I feel accomplished.


I challenge you to question:

  • Why buy products without understanding the foundations of skincare?
  • Why opt for overpriced products?
  • Why buy a million different products in the hope to find the one that might work for you?

Worry. No. more. Skineasy brand values are based on:


brand values


And just like that, an epiphany happened.  

about me page brand mission quote

Get to know me

Where is your favourite place in the world? At home with my hubby and my fur baby, Teddy.

What is your favourite colour? Oh gosh…here we go… pink!

What is your skin type? Combo to dry, depending on the season.

What are the three things you would bring to a desert island? Nutella, retinal serum and SPF.

Fave holibobs: A stunning hotel in an area full of characterful restaurants (one day I will share with you my food face) and lots of places to explore. 


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